Peeps Easter Cake

Who doesn't love Peeps!?

With this one you can involve your kids. They can help you make the cake batter, frost the cake and/or add the Peeps to the cake.

You can really make the cake whatever shape and size you want. I went with a two-layer cake, which adds some time and complexity.  You can do this as a single-layer sheet if you'd rather.

Alternatively if you don't want to bake and frost a cake, you can simply buy an already made cake and just add the Peeps!

I will warn you, this will be very sweet!

Peeps Easter Cake Recipe

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: About 30 minutes, depending on the box directions (or 0 minutes if you buy a cake!)
Number of Servings: 8-12

  • Cake mix (whatever kind you have in your pantry) or Store bought cake
    • If you go with the boxed cake mix, you'll also need whatever ingredients the cake mix recipe calls for and frosting (whatever kind you like)
  • Assortment of Peeps
How to cook
  1. If making the cake yourself:
    1. Follow the directions on the box to bake the cake.
    2. Let the cake cool until it is no longer warm to the touch.
    3. Frost cake (and assemble if a layer cake)
  2. If using a store bought cake: 
    • Proceed directly to step 3!
  3. Add Peeps however you'd like.  I found the bunnies work best on the side because they are flat.


  1. This looks like fun. I will share with my nieces & Nephews for a fun Easter project for the kids.


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