
We don't always have time, or desire, to make something new.  So a great solution to that is to find some leftovers in the fridge!  Hopefully there is enough for everyone. If not, if you have multiple types of leftovers, just have everyone pick one.  If there still isn't enough for everyone, figure out who wants to have a bowl of cereal for dinner!

Leftovers Recipe

Prep time: Varies (seconds to a few minutes)
Create time: You're not creating anything new here, so 0.
Number of Servings: Varies

  • Leftovers
How to create
  1. If the leftovers were originally served warm, determine if reheating is required and/or desired by the person that will be eating it.  If so, nuke it for a short time.  Depends on what it is, but you may need 30-90 seconds. Remember, you're not cooking anything, you're just heating it up. It was already cooked once!
  2. If the leftovers were originally served cold, simply place on a plate or in a bowl and serve. Or, if you're lucky, you can just serve it in whatever dish it was already in!
